Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Piece Of Meat


Hiya, isn't it great, January is nearly over. I can't wait to put away my designer scarf and gloves and jump into a tight fitting t-shirt an leg it onto a beach! February is such a great month, it's short, there's Valentines day (make a note you guys!!!) and the best bit is of course Jim & Niamh going sking. Now, this will be a comedy in itself, You've Been Framed could get enough footage for an entire series simply by following Jim and Niamh on the slopes. As for the clothing, well, all I'll say is that it's amazing what a ski mask can do for your appearance!

We're loving Britney at the moment, so we decided to write our own version of Piece Of Me. The is all about the time I tried my hand at being a celebrity butcher. This is called Piece Of Meat.

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1 comment:

Raify said...

Hilarious and fabaliss, as always!!
